Setting up docker, for compiling embedded Firmware

What we will cover Why? Install docker Create container for our buildchain Why? Docker container for full toolchain, faster to use and maintain then to “install” full toolchain. More then one developer, everyone has the same toolset Reproducable offer different system Can be used for automated builds Different toolset versions, system can be used. Installing…

Visual Studio Code, Windows, bare metal arm developlement

This short blog entry will be one of many hopefully about my journey using modern open source tools to develop some cool embedded projects in cpp or other languages. The first entry in the series will focus on getting a simple led blink example working. The aim is to use Visual Studio Code as IDE…

Never loose the config

To make my life easier, i added the /etc/openhab2/ folder as network share which allows me to directly edit it from my favourite editors from my laptop and backup it . As i want to add a more complicated rules using one of my EnOcean switches i based my new rules on First i…

Let’s add rules and switches

For the first step i linked from an EnOcean Switch (PTM210) channel A directly into the Nodon roller control. This allows me to control the blinds even if the openhab has problems.Additionally i want to open my blinds automatically at 7:00 AM every morning seems to be easy integreatable 🙂 rule “autowakeup” when Time cron…

Baby Steps, first actuator and rules

All Projets starts with baby steps the first thing i did was following the openhab installer guide and installed openhab. I added the enocean binding.To get a frst receiver working I installed a . Sadly the module and the standard switch do not fit together inside the housing. So i will probably replace the…