All Projets starts with baby steps the first thing i did was following the openhab installer guide and installed openhab. I added the enocean binding.
To get a frst receiver working I installed a . Sadly the module and the standard switch do not fit together inside the housing. So i will probably replace the wired switches with enocean ones.
One problem was to start the calibration after installing, as fast pressing for the nod on modules really means press as fast as you can 😉
Next step was to see if openhab can find the actuator. For this the openhab user needs to be in the dialout group of linux. Time to fire up ssh and login into my.
nano /etc/group and find dialout add the openhab user!
Still nothing working, in the log i saw there were problems with some streaming problem. I decided to downgrade to java 8 and see if this fixes the probem.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives –config java
and let’s use java 8 and see what happens!
Starting openhab i finally saw it found my USB300 and i could start the binding 🙂
Enough for one day.
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