For the first step i linked from an EnOcean Switch (PTM210) channel A directly into the Nodon roller control. This allows me to control the blinds even if the openhab has problems.
Additionally i want to open my blinds automatically at 7:00 AM every morning seems to be easy integreatable 🙂
rule “autowakeup”
Time cron “0 0 7 ? * * *”
Bedroom_Roller.sendCommand(new PercentType(0))
As next i want to control/ dim the light with the rocker switch (Channel B). First i used the Raw Rocker to Dimmer but i am not really happy with the result if you add different lights to this dimmer. (I have an on/off switch, a hue color strip and another lamp).
So seems like basic rule system do not work for this use case. And i need to do some more advanced scripting, more will follow.
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